NLP Academy in Nagercoil & NLP Mind Programming in Nagercoil


From the Founder Himself!!!!

                                                                I know you‘ve landed in my page, because you are in a thirst to do something, you want to achieve something, you want to change something! Something that you want to do. To keep it simple, you want to move from Point A to Point B. People might’ve suggested you to attend NLP course to reduce your quench for a change. But once you’ve heard the term several questions would’ve crossed your mind.

What NLP is? How it is going to aid you bring a change? Is NLP a pure science? Can I do NLP without having a science background? Aaaah haaaa!!!! Stop thinking toooo much. Let me answer the questions.

Though I have been practicing NLP for years now and I have been even training and coaching people in NLP for years, when people ask me,”Karthik, can you please tell me what is NLP?” I have found myself in a “Deer in the headlight” situation. Now that’s an interesting question and the answers are many but that’s the catch. Though there are many big bright answers, I have to carefully assess which one I can say for the questioner because NLP believes that every person is unique and I have to answer the questioner and not the question. Tricky isn’t it?  So what do I do? I allow the little voice in me to guide me through the huge library that I have stored inside and when my internal instinct sends me a tingling signal that this is the answer I stop at that point, pick up the answer and start explaining the curious soul  before me.

So let me try to explain you what NLP is with a real life examples. Name any successful person in the world, Ronaldo/Bolt in sports or Elon musk in innovation or Warren Buffett in building assets or Tony Robbins in training or any other person successful in any other field they all have one thing in common. They all had the some struggle in life or sometimes even more than an average person and they all had the same physical limitations as any other human being but they knew and did something that most of the so called ‘commoners’ don’t do. That’s the only trump card that makes them look like amazing wizard of success or the super magnet of all the fortunes. Something that has been said to all of us throughout the centuries across cultures but we rarely noticed it. Perhaps we missed it because it was so obvious. And that one thing is they knew how to program their mind to be focused on the results they wanted and when something didn’t work they knew how and where to re-channel their emotion and though process to reach where they want to reach. In other words they knew how to manage their thoughts and emotions. Thoughts and emotions- The very two ingredients when left on their own has wrecked so many human lives are the two ingredients they used to cook a super success dish which makes the normal human into a bull on red bull. NLP is that magical tool that helps you take control of your thoughts and emotions which almost also transforms speech and actions.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could implant powerful, productive thoughts in our minds all the time? Wouldn’t it be great if we have choice of how we have to feel all the time? Don’t you think all of us are super humans who have these two super powers but only the best of us use them? For the others they are being used by them, isn’t it? It’s time to explore how you can also become that super productive person you have always wanted to become and become the super human you are destined to become. 

I welcome you to explore NLP to explore your success more.

So here comes the next question, Karthik, "I’m an entrepreneur would NLP work for me? Karthik I’m a college student, is this NLP for me? Karthik, Im a house wife in what way NLP would work for me?" It’s a big “YES”

The beauty of NLP is, it can work for the entrepreneur who wants to up his business and is looking for a solution in NLP, also it can equally effectively work for the management guy who wants to communicate better to handle the team, it can also work amazingly for parent who wants to use NLP to manage his/her internal emotional states and that of their teen age. So NLP doesn't differentiate. Anybody can use NLP for their own advantage just the techniques and the exercises varies from person to person but the end results are the same. You will get what you want.

About Karthik , 


Hey let me tell you about myself in a brief!!

I’m karthik, certified Life Coach, Leadership & Executive coach, and certified master Trainer of NLP and Hypnosis. Holding a master’s degree in software engineering, I worked as a software engineer for few years, but since childhood I always had fascination to understand people and their behavior and why one person differs from others. Being a people oriented individual, I found software job little monotonous. I was in need of a job, which would require me to meet new people on daily basis and to have constructive interaction with them. I joined ING Vysya as a training manager for four of their branches. Latter I joined Audi as their senior consultant for 8 districts. Both the jobs were really challenging as it demanded me to use all my skills, but thanks to the job which eventually made me meet many people and every day was a new day, new challenges.   I got the opportunity to learn NLP on the way, again this is because of my love to know about people. I did not stop with learning I also  tried using my learnt “NLP” techniques in sales and training, believe me there was a tremendous increase in my sales chart and productivity of the company.

Now my love for NLP increased more that. After getting trained for several years and co-fecilitating my mentor My.Vikram Dhar I started Today I proudly stand before you having transformed 1000’s of people’s life and made them choose a better direction.

I conduct NLP based workshops in all parts of the country (Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi, Indore, Pune, Madurai, Trivandrum, Guwahati, Coimbatore, Cochin, Ahmadabad etc….)

The goal of my workshops is to take participants to peak performance by installing powerful habits, patterns and strategies in them and removing negative belief, limiting decisions and disruptive behavior.

I specialize in creating customized experiential workshops based on individual requirements that’s how I confidently say NLP will work for a business man, a teacher, also to house wives.  I know your needs are different, so is our training to you.

I promise NLP learnings will create a long lasting impact in your life. 

Why NLP Academy ?

NLPAcademy is in the field of corporate/business coaching and training for almost nearly a decade. And in this short span we have reached phenomenal heights in NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching. We conduct experiential NLP and hypnosis workshops in all parts of India. Delhi, Indore, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Cochin, Kanyakumari, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad are few of the locations we conduct our workshops in India.

We give importance to experience: 

Though NLP has been in the market for quite some time in India, NLPAcademy has revolutionized the market with their remarkable course content and very practical experiential delivery methods. 

Get more than what you pay for:

Most of the participants who have come after attending NLP from other organizations have often expressed that the course material is much more exhaustive than the much more expensive courses they have attended and further more they all have been in love with the practical and experience based delivery methods. The testimonials they have received from people of different walks of life (Doctors, HR professionals, Corporate trainers, Coaches, Teachers, Managers, House wives, Business Men/Women, Sports personnel, Psychologists)  speak for themselves.

What makes us different: 

 For NLPAcademy, “The ‘how’ factor is more important than the ‘wow’ factor” makes our programs unique, practical and transformational.

We appreciate that each individual is unique and so is their requirements:

Apart from NLP and Hypnosis workshops we specialize in creating customized experiential workshops based on client requirements with a focus on creating high performance teams. The goal of our workshops is to enhance the performance of teams by enhancing individual connections and perceptions,which will get reflected I the results produced. Our workshops are based on the principle that there is no great team but only strongly connected great individuals and there is no great organisation but only a few strongly connected teams. NLPAcademy team has wide range of industrial knowledge along with a deep understanding of human behavior makes our programs more effective and resourceful.

One of the main goals of our workshops is individual transformation by creating empowering beliefs and enhancing the value system of an individual. Another key element of our workshop is the strong connect that we creates within the team and the organisation. We love new challenges and create our own modules, tailored for the individuals, groups and/or organisations and delivers them in a very experiential method that creates a long lasting impact

    Want to join us for your life changing journey 


    Towards transforming thousands of businesses by transforming people millions of lives.


    Creating a system towards giving a glimpse of super human mastery for a million lives. 

We are passionate about your success!
Are you too?